I strangely have alot of energy this afternoon! Woo! Finally, I like having energy but being stuck in hospital i cant use it! So im just wondering around my room lol like a loony person! So what has happened since my last blog on Saturday?!
Not much really, my room i was in was so so hot, i couldn't handle it, then my shower broke and then a nurse came in my room asking if i had been smoking!!! Couldn't believe it, i had a man in my room earlier fixing my shower, it could of been him that she smelt, or the fact that im on a second floor and people outside smoking, the small of it could come up from there. Grr so anyway after i polity told her it wasn't me, even though 'shes an ex-smoker and has a really good sense of smell' i think she felt guilty and had me moved into a better room. This room is so much cooler and quieter so im sleeping alot better now, the bags under my eyes are slowly going! lol.
I saw my doctor today and she says she wants me to stay in for the 2 weeks, to have a proper rest and she wants to see my weight increase. So if i get my call the transplant team are happy with it and wont worry that im to skinny for the op. But i did say if im in for the 2 weeks i would like to go home at weekends, which im aloud to do, so my dad is helping me sort out how to get my car up here :) Need to get home for my hair and nail appointment don't i !! lol
Other than an x-ray and a few blood test i have nothing hospital wise to report back on :) Iv been on Netflix alot this weekend, and iv just come across Breaking Bad, i love it! Haven't stopped watching it lol I need some Breaking Bad buddy's to discuss it with though!
8,217 hours
342 days
On the list
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