Monday, 10 March 2014

Sorry, im so behind!

Sorry i haven't blogged in a while! I have actually been very busy for a lovely change :) On my last blog i wrote about how i was in A&E and had to stay in hospital for a few days.. well im pleased to say since then i have been doing really well!

On the 6th of March i was booked in for my first ever biopsy.. i wont lie i was dreading it! I have been getting very bad anxiety, and when i worry it gets worse, so as i was worrying about this i make myself feel so sick, and my mood changes, i become very quite and grumpy .. not fun for people around me! lol. So Thursday morning my Dad picked me up with my little brother, hes only 3 :) We got there and i had the usual tests done before i see the doc. Lungfuction, bloods and x-ray... had them all done then just had to wait to see my doctor. we got there at 9 and didn't get seen until half 11, but this was normal. I met a friend while we were there. Chantelle had her transplant almost 3 years ago now, shes doing well :) it was lovely to see her as i don't get to that often.

I got called in to see the drs, and at first me and my dad got a bit worried. He was asking me what antibiotics i have been on over the last two weeks, i told him i hadnt been on any...the he asked what had i been up too while looking puzzled?.. and i said iv now started college, im re doing my gcse's, i went on my first shopping trip since my transplant, 5 whole hours of walking around, iv been going to the gym..just doing so much more than i was 3 months ago. He then asked to listen to my chest..then he looked at my notes and said 'well...your doing really well' .. he sounded quite surprised!! haha. My lungfunction has gone up from 59% two weeks ago to 68% then and my weight was also up from 39kgs to 41kgs in two weeks!! ( i just cant stop eating!!) He said as i am doing so well he didn't want to do a biopsy, he explained that sometimes a biopsy can start an infection and as im doing well he doesn't want to risk it. He said i wont need another bronc or biopsy unless i feel unwell or my lungfucntions drops, they don't want to see my in clinic for another 4 weeks!! woo!!! My magnesium level is a tad low so on Wednesday i have to have a drip to pick that up.. its only over 2 hours which isn't to bad.

 Also today i had an interview with the BBC this time.. all about my transplant story. The lady who interviewed me was here for around two hours and when it went on the news they only showed a 5 second clip! haha. But it was good to get more awareness out. I also had a surprise of seeing some pictures of my friend on the news to and her mum, if you can remember i have spoke about a good friend of mine Clare, she passed away last April waiting for her lungs. It really upsets me that she never got her call in time. We had lots of plans to do together once we both had our op. I have a rose planted for her in my garden and it started to sprout this week, made me feel like she is looking over me.

My other good friend who i met via twitter, Stacie Pridden, you have heard me speak of her before, shes waiting for a heart and lung transplant... Well she was in cosmo magazine this month along with her twin sister. Stacie is the most bravest person i have ever met. Im so so proud of her. Before i met friends like Stacie and Clare..and others Chantelle, Eve & Gemma to name a few, i always told myself i didn't want to speak to other people like me, i didn't think it would help. But i have to say that was the most stupid thing i have ever thought. These people are the best people in my life, im so lucky and grateful to have them all in my life, they have all become such good friends of mine. Stacie especially, she is one of my best friends..i want her to get her call so so bad now. She deserves it so much! Please read her blog if you get a chance, ts so inspiring :) Stacies blog.

here are some pictures since iv been home..which is now 2 months!

 Me & my sister about to head of on our first shopping trip! (little double chin iv got going on lol)
 me, sister and brother (ethan & rheannon)
 me in my workout gear!! Starting to get some chub on me finally!! 
 yes i pose! .. im now a little blonder!
 my friend and her sister in cosmo this month!! go and buy!!
 me & ethan
me again! When i was away for a few days. 

Im now hoping to go away for a week this week :) nice little break from this town :) 

I wont leave it to long to blog next time..i promise! :) 

1 comment:

  1. You and people like Stacie are the reasons I feel glad i signed up to be a donor. Makes me feel i'm doing something! Although isn't nice to think about how someone would get my organs least I know i'd be helping someone out. I pray that Stacie gets her call as she is an amazing girl! x
