Friday, 23 August 2013

My week..

Do i moan alot? It seems like all i do is moan and complain about things! Well no more...after this post haha

SO i had clinic Monday, and i had a new doc, it annoys me when i get new doctors cos they don't know me! She asked if i had any allergies...hmm only a few haha so i had to name them all, theres about 7-8. I know its a silly thing to moan about but my doctor knows that already. Anyway iv had a bad belly this last week and a half, i thought it could have been because iv been on IVs for 6 weeks now, so we agreed to come off the IVs, and for me to come back in a week. WELL.... they rang me on Tuesday at 4.30 telling me my potassium was low and i need to take some tablets for it, i went to see if i had any, which i didnt so rang them back telling them that. They then said. 'well its to late to get them now pharmacy is shut' ?!? So why did they wait until half 4 to tell me! They wanted me to start the tablets that night too, so she went off to ask around the hospital wards if anyone had any, she rang back and said she had found some and there ready to be picked up asap! So me my dad and my sister went up there, we got there at 6 and had to wait for the on call doctor to sign for these tablets....and hours and a half later!!! one of my doctors walked passed and I asked him to sign for them which he did. Very nice of him. They wanted me to come back Thursday for bloods to check the levels then. They also said my infection level was 46! So it had gone up from 21.

On Wednesday me my Dad, step mum Allie, sister Rheannon and brothers Ethan, Charlie and Liam we all went to London, was such a fun day, but London is definitely not made for wheelchairs!! So many stairs!! My dad had to carry me up them!! But we went to the sea-life centre and we all had a good day out :)

On Thursday me and Ethan went to get my bloods taken, had to be there at 12, so we got there, i had my bloods taken and i asked to speak to a doctor as i wasn't feeling great. All week iv just been feeling so exhausted, im so tired all the time, have no energy to do anything. I had to wait an hour or two for my bloods to come back, and to my surprise my infection levels had gone down to 15!! So In myself im just very tired, chest wise im okay (touch wood).They said they will get me in to have some IVs, they said it should only be a day to wait. I had to call my Dad and step mum to come and pick me and Ethan up from pappy as i just couldnt drive, i had been coughing to much and was worrying to much about the drive home, so big thank you to dad and allie for that :) Last night was probs the worst night iv ever had, i just didn't sleep! I was awake all night, it got to about 4 this morning and i finally gave up trying to sleep and went down stairs to watch telly, caught up on glee! Papworth rang me this morning and they said for me to get in at 4 today which i did! im here!!

Iv already done my Tesco shop, that will be with me tomorrow :) So the plan is, hard core physio! more IVs, and start up my feeds again hoping that my belly gets better!

8,146 hours
339 days
on the list

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