Today was clinic day, its been 3 weeks since my last one.. I was a bit nervous for today and i had just got out of that habit!
So up early and out the door by half 7 this morning, my gramps came with me today, we stopped off at McDonalds and had breakfast.. my gramps did make me laugh.. he wanted a bacon wrap with salad no matter how many time i told him they wouldn't do that he just wouldn't listen so of course i had to ask for it for him when we got there..obviously i was right lol Well we got to the hospital and checked in, i went for the usual bloods, xray and lungfuction. I was a bit gutted today as my lungfuction is down a bit. Its down 10%.. i started panicking think that they will want to keep me in for a bronc or biopsy. The wait to see the doctor was horrible we waited 2 and a half hours! i was last to be seen! The chairs were killing my back!
I had to wait because the main consultant wanted to see me, this scared me. Obviously i thought the worst as always. But it turns out because i hadnt seen her since Febuary she just wanted to say hi lol Phew!!
She said everything looks good, my weight is up and xray has no change and chest sounds 'amazing' ( her words) lol Shes not worried about the drop in lungfunction as my chest is finding its base line. So over the next 6 months it will be up and down. I am going back in 2 weeks though just to keep and eye :)
So Easter weekend was amazing! :D I was out on the Friday night AND Saturday night..i had an actual alcohol drink! And im embarrassed to say one and a half was plenty for me! haha. I was .. lets say happy haha. Then on the Sunday me and the family had a Christmas dinner! Over December i couldn't eat my Christmas dinner as i had a bad sickness from my transplant! :D So as i was gutted i missed out on the beautiful goose, so my step dad brought one a few months ago. That dinner was amazing :D
This weekend i am finally going to stay at my besties for a weekend in london!! :D i havent been able to do this since she moved there as i was to unwell but now i can and i ma so excited!! ITN also got me two tickets to see McBusted on Saturday too! so we will be going there after our long shopping trip and lots of food! I am using my suitcase for something other than hospital! woo!!! :D :D
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