Monday, 8 October 2012

Disabled Parking rant...

Well this post is about an issue me and other Cf'ers have troubles with. People stare and shake their heads, give us dirty looks and some even come up to us and tell us how rude we are to park in a disabled parking spot. Iv had loads of trouble with people before, mostly elderly people because i look 'well' and so young.

I was talking to a young CF man today, his lungfuction is like mine very low but high enough to still do things for ourselves. He said he went to his chemist yesterday to pick up his meds and parked in a Disabled spot, he did have his blue badge up so he was 100% aloud to be there. He said as he got out the car an old man with a walking stick came up to him and started shouting that hes wasn't aloud to be there, he told him to move the car and show respect to others that need to park there. the thing that makes me laugh is its always elderly people that have a go at us, when they should know better. They always say how us young people never have respect then they don't even show it! 

I parked in a Disabled spot in town once, i was out of breath from walking as where i needed to be wasn't close to the car park. So trying to get my breath and old man confronted me and told me i wasn't allowed to park there, i never normally am rude to people and don't normally talk back at them, but i was fed up of people thinking the same thing about me all the time. I asked him how old he was he said 87, i said il be lucky if i make that age, i told him im waiting for new lungs and at his age he should know better than to judge people. he said sorry and drove off. I get this nearly every time im on my own and park... When someone else is with me its like there to scared to confront me.

Im so annoyed that this keeps happening, how rude people can be to judge us cos we look well. 

So next time don't judge a person that looks healthy, or worse dont go and tell them what your thinking, their probably already gong through enough and wont need someone telling them there fine when there not does not put us in the best of moods!

Just having a bit of a aloud im in hospital :) xx 

489 hours on the list

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